"Yeobseyo, what are my Princess doing now? How's Busan? So Busan warmer then Seoul? Or you meet a guy there to make you warmer?" another sweet voice talked from other line
"Omo Oppa.. are you get your vacation already? Btw, what are you thinking about by saying another guy for me. Busan warmer since it make me always remember you. Busan is a memorable place for me, I don't know for you, but for me, Busan is always be a good memories." she exploded
"I am sorry Princess. I am just feel insecure. I saw you at news almost every day. Award, movie premier, launching product, even you come to your partner fans meeting." he envy his other half since he can not freely went every where and just stay at the camp
"It's one of promotion Oppa. My new agency keep me busy, so I can get more attention." she tried to explain him
"I know, but without those busy schedule, you already got more attention no days, since you getting prettier and prettier each day, made me wanna skip from this camp and told the world that you are mine." he can not hide his jealousy
"Oppa, that time will come. You believe that, don't you?" she comfort him
"Ehm, I do believe that darling. Babe, I love your new ave. Cute." he smiled when told her his thought
"I made it for you. You know what I am trying to say through that picture? I am looking for you Oppa, I am waiting for you to pick me up." she miss her other half a lot
"Ais, my Baby Princess is smarter now. You can comfort me with your sweet words. Don't do this at phone, make me want to come home as soon as possible." he feel sad since he can't come home earlier
"Just come home Oppa, I miss you badly." she hold her tears but her voice is trembling
"Baby, are you crying? Please don't. I'll have my vacation in two or three days from now, just wait oke. Wait for me and I'll be there. You have to clear up all of your schedule when I am around. Araso? So, don't cry, I'll be by your side, soon, that's my promise." he comfort her
"I am waiting for you.Please come back home soon. I miss you." she finished her phone conversation with her Prince
Two days later,someone entering a quite apartment. It almost 9 pm, but seems the apartment still empty. He tried to find his Baby Princess, but seems she is not come yet. Suddenly something licked his feet and tried to get his attention
"Omo gommie ah, you much bigger now. Where is your mom? She is still outside ah? Actually she didn't know that I will come back today. She thought that I will come tomorrow. Btw, now I placed you here first, oke? I will take a bath first, before she arrive. Be a good boy, araso? " he talked to their puppies
30 minutes later some one come. She is still busy talking to her phone and didn't realize at all that someone else was sitting in the coach of their living room
"But Oppa, I've already told you that I need a day off, at least one week day off. Our project will start next year right? So let me get my day off. If you are oke, I will take a day off until new year, but if not, at least please give me a day off for a week." she still talked to her manager at the phone
"Thank you Oppa, you are the best. Thank you for understand me." she smiled when end up the conversation
"So, you got your day off during my vacation, since I am here, right Baby?" his voice surprised her
"Oppa.." she scream then hugged him tightly "Oppa.. when did you come? Why don't you call me and tell me that you will come today, so I can go home earlier." she told him while sitting in their coach
"I want to surprised you. I think I will go home tomorrow, but suddenly my commander asked me to go home together, since he lives around here." he smiled and hugs her tightly
"Send my greeting for your commander, since he is helping us a lot." she smile and kiss her boy friend cheek then get up from the coach, but suddenly her boy friend pulled her down again
"Where do you think you are going Princess? I am still want to hug you." he told her
"I am going to take a bath Oppa, then we can talk all night long, since both of us free right?" she smiled and walking to their bed room.
When she is cleaning her make up suddenly he giving her a back hugging
"Do you need help Princess? Since you are very tired after your full schedule, I think you need help to clean up yourself." he whispering in her ears while his hand slowly open her bath robe
"Oppa, don't be naughty. You are tired also right?" she tried to push her boy friend
"Nope, I never been tired when I am with you." Suddenly he lifted her and bring her to the bath room
"Shower is enough, right? Since you are tired." he put her at shower and start kissed her lips passionately while his right hand opening the shower with the warm water "Is it enough Princess? Or you want the warmer water?" he whispering
"It's enough Oppa." she can not concentrate when her boy friend hand was moving around all of her body with a liquid soap tried to clean her body
"I love you..I love you.. I love you." he whispering again then turn her body to face him and kiss her again like there is no tomorrow. He suddenly pulled out himself, then took his girl friend out from shower. He slowly dry out her inch by inch, then lifted her naked body and bring her to the bed
"You know what Princess, when I saw you in a black dress while you presented the award, half of myself was so proud of you. You came to different occasion and getting more attention, more famous, but the other half of myself was very angry and jealous seeing you in that sexy dress. How come you choose the dress that made every men eyes looking at you." he told her then started to kiss her slowly started from her jaw
"Oppa, it's a sponsor." that was the only answer that she can give him while she enjoying every little kiss and touch that her boy friend gave her
"Then don't use that dress again. Use it when you go out with me. Understand?" he whispering then back to her lips and kiss her passionately again.
Slowly he start to kiss her naked body inch by inch. He played a little with her breast, while his other hand trying to satisfied her by play with her flash
"Oppa, please." she was moaned asking for release
"Bear it a little Princess, let me play with you a little." he told her then kiss her again
They kiss again, then he started to down his kiss, to her neck, then shoulder. His hand caressing her back slid down to her hips, and her buttocks, giving them a gentle squeeze, pressing himself into her. She can not help herself, not to replay him. She softly caressed his chest, igniting a quick response from him as he moulded her body to his. She spine tingled as her breast pressed against his bare chest.
"Oppa please, I can't hold it." she moaned once again. Suddenly, she ran her hands over his broad muscled shoulders and nape of his neck. She held his face as he kiss her mouth arching to meet his thrust, then drowning herself in the ecstacy of his lovemaking as reaching the climax together
"Hi beautiful, you are still with me don't you?" he kiss her slowly, then placed her head in his bare chest
"I love you Oppa, always." she told him
"Btw Princess, I think I forgot to use protection.Is it oke? I am really sorry babe, sorry for my carelessness." he told her slowly
"Aniya, it was fine Oppa. I'll take the risk, even because of that, made me have to change every thing, I am ready." she comfort him
"Thank you.. Thank you for complete me. You made me complete as a man, as human. I love you." he kiss her tample gently
"I am always be here for you Oppa, never leave your side. I am ready to giving all my life and my love only for you. Just promise me, that you will never leave me." she smiled
"I am the one who should be thankful to have you with me. I'll never find a words to describe you my precious one. You are the one who taught me how to live again, cared when I needed a friend and comfort me whenever I am insecure. Thank you Princess, thank you for being you." he kissed her again
"Thank you for being you also Oppa, please don't change."
"I won't. I am for you." he told her then started to kiss her again, slowly but passionately. Once again, his hands began to trace down to her hips and slowly towards her bottom.Slowly he began to move away from her mouth and onto other parts of her body. She can feel his lips and hot breath blazing over her neck, and making his way to her collarbone, and leaving her moaning softly from the sweet enticing sensation. She moaned in ecstacy and showed him that once again, she was ready for him. Without waiting any longer, he slowly slide inside her, and gradually speed up his tempo, made her moaned to his every rhythmic push inside her. They were once again making love so passionately. their making love were heating up the bed sheet with their burning desire for each other until they reach their climax again.
"Saranghaeyo Princess.. Indeed, never leave me, araso? Btw Princess, once again I forget to use protection, mianhe." he told her and give a light kiss in her
"Oppa, are you sure that you forget about it? Or you might be purposefully forget it? " she smiled while teasing her boy friend
"How do you know that Princess, having children from you, is my biggest dream now, so ready for it, Oke?" he teased her back
"I am ready, every time you are ready Oppa." she smiled
"Thanks again. Let's sleep now, we still have a lot of time together tho." he pulled her to his chest and smoothing her hair
The next morning when he woke up, he still amaze with beautiful woman who peacefully slept on his chest. Slowly he changed his twitter ava which reflect his feeling to her
You Make Me Feel Brand New by Simply Red My love I'll never find the words, my love To tell you how I feel, my love Mere words could not explain Precious love You held my life within your hands Created everything I am Taught me how to live again
Only you Cared when I needed a friend Believed in me through thick and thin This song is for you Filled with gratitude and love
God bless you You make me feel brand new For God blessed me with you You make me feel brand new I sing this song 'cause you Make me feel brand new
My love Whenever I was insecure You built me up and made me sure You gave my pride back to me Precious friend With you I'll always have a friend You're someone who I can depend To walk a path that never ends
Without you My life has no meaning or rhyme Like notes to a song out of time How can I repay You for having faith in me
"Hyung, where are you?" Leeteuk called his manager two days before shooting
"Me? At the office. Why? Something wrong?" he asked him
"Nope, but you know Sora's manager right? I saw you talked to him and exchanged number. Can you asked him her schedule for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow? Or maybe you can give me his phone number." Leeteuk asked him
"Kang Sora's manager number? For what?" he still didn't get what Leeteuk wants
"I am planning to arrange something for WGM, I will call PD-nim, right after I recieve the schedule. Can you help me with that? See you soon Hyung, I am at dorm right now. I am hang up Hyung, thanks before." he ended his phone call
Two hours later, his manager came to the dorm and gave him what he asked to
"This is the schedule. Her manager just email me. Actually, how is the planning? From what I saw, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, she will shoot for her daily drama. But she also will go to Busan, for Busan International Film Festival." His manager explained to him
"She will fly to Busan? When is it?" Leeteuk got surprised, then straight seeing her daily schedule "Ah, I think I know. Thank you Hyung, I owe you again." he smiled
"So what you gonna do? If I am not mistaken your shooting schedule will be the next day, after she arrive from Busan. PDnim told me so." his manager still confusing
"Just wait and trust me Hyung. May be I want to change the schedule. Waiting for her until she come back from Busan will take long time and I think I am impatient if I have to wait that long.I am really want to meet her soon Hyung, so let me plan this by myself." he told him
"Really? Teukie-ah, did you really like her?Did you fall for her?" his manager asked him to full fill his curiosity
"I don't know Hyung. But yah, I do like her. She is different. She like a girl that I've been waiting for. But if you asked me did I fall in love with her, I don't know. I don't know about this feeling, love or what. But I do like her, a lot. Let see where this feeling goes. If she is the one, I hope, she is the last for me." he pour his heart
"Araso, actually I knew that. I knew when I saw you talked to her after the shooting that day. I know you for 10 years, I know when your eyes sparkling, so that what I see from you that day. Oke, I think I am going. Take a rest, we have a schedule tomorrow." His manager told him before he went out
"Thank you Hyung."
As soon as he left his room, he dialed someone else number
"Hallo, Good evening Sir. This is Leeteuk." He talked to someone
"Ah, Leeteuk-ssi, what can I do for you? Why are you calling me almost in the middle of the night?" he told him
"I am so sorry Sir, for bothering you at this time. I just want to give an idea for our next shooting. If it is possible off course." he feel a little bit guilty
"Nope, It's oke. I am glad that you came with me with a fresh idea. Remember what I told you before, that we are very open, if you two have your own plan, and it is possible for us to execute, we will make it." he told him again
"Araso Sir, I send you an email for the detail. I hope we can manage it. Thank you so much Sir, and once again, sorry for bothering you." he end up the conversation
That night, Leeteuk sleep with a full smile in his face. His head full with some sweet and romantic planning.
(***SME Practicing Room***)
"Guys, I think its enough. Let's finish it. I need to go somewhere." Leeteuk dismiss the practice
"Are you sure Hyung? We just practice for 3 hours. You are the one who usually told us to have one day practice." Donghae feel strange with Leeteuk behaviour
"Aish, what's wrong with you guys. If I told you to practice one day long, all you protested, but now, when I told you to stop, you guys also protested." Leeteuk got sulky
"Hyung, we are not protest, we just feel weird and strange with you. Something happen Hyung?" Sungmin tried to calm his Hyung
"Nope, I just really need to go somewhere and I'll have a schedule very early in the morning tomorrow. Btw, enjoy your free time guys. I am going first." he smile then wave to his member who got loose when seeing him
"What's wrong with him? He really in his good mood now. He smile since yesterday." Donghae told their friends
"He changed a lot since he met Sora-ssi. He like her." Enhyuk told them
"But, she is not his type." Rywook tried to tell his opinion
"Guys, you know what, sometimes you will deeply fall in love with someone who was not your type at all. I think that happen in Hyung now. If he really fall in love with Sora-ssi. I know her, we were in the same production once. She is nice and very cheerful girl, very honest. So, no wonder if Teukie Hyung fall for her." now Shindong told his feeling
"Whenever can make our Hyung happy guys, we have to support him, oke." Sungmin told them
(***Jewelry shop***)
"Looking for something special Sir?" a shopkeeper asked him when he is looking around with his disguised style
"I am looking something sparkling, but not too flashy. Something that resemble someone personality. Beautiful, bright, but simple and down to earth. A simple ring with little diamond may be?" he thought about Sora when looking for the gift
"Ah, are you gonna propose her? I can give you this simple solitaire ring." the shopkeeper show him a simple and elegance beautiful ring
"No..no... I am not gonna propose her now.We are still in our first step of relationship." Leeteuk confessed
"Ah, I think I know what you looking for Sir. Ring is not a right gift then. I prefer this one Sir." a shopkeeper showed him a beautiful bracelet. Made from white gold, very simple, with a little diamond around it. So simple and so beautiful.
"I take it. This is absolutely her. Beautiful, simple, elegance. Please wrap it for me." he smiled when imagined Sora will happy when accept it.
(***Shooting day***)
This is the day. The day when he will surprised her with his present. He knew it will be a very pack schedule for her today, but he really miss her. Seeing her from his place, right after he arrived at her shooting location, already made his heart beat faster. Based on Shindong suggestion he bought some energy drink for the crew and not forget to bought a hot coffee and cold energy drink for his Sora. Sora seems didn't realize that her husband is on location. She still chat with her partner and a kids who played as her brother.
"She looks cute with that." Leeteuk talked to himself when he can see her doing her job
He waited for her, until they have to move to other location. Sora was so surprised seeing him that time. According to her manager, they will shoot for WGM after she arrived from Busan, and no one told her that he will come.
"Oppa, did you planed all of this? Didn't we have a schedule the day after tomorrow?" Sora asked him when camera off on the way to her car.
"Ehm, yes. Why? You don't like it Sora-ya?" his voice showed that he was a little bit disappointed
"No, not like that. I am just surprised. My manager told me that we will meet two days from now. But I like it." She showed him her genuine smile
"Thank you Sora-ya, but first, I am sorry for bothering your schedule." he apologized
"Nope, like I said, I like it." She answered him then smile again
Sora can not hide her happiness. On the way to the next location, she keep praising Leeteuk surprised present.
"Sora-ya, did you like him?" her manager asked her
"Aniya, not like that. But what he did is so sweet. I never got this much attention, so I am very happy Oppa." she confessed
"Araso, let this flow. Whatever will be will be girl, don't open your heart too wide, but don't close it too. This is my advice for you." her manager told him
He waited for her during her shooting time, suddenly he saw her chatting happily with her partner Choi Min Sung during the break. He didn't know why, but his didn't like it. He didn't like when seeing Sora having a good chat with other man. He didn't like it when Sora smiled to other person. He knew that she is only his virtual wife, but he can not control his sense of belonging and his jealousy.
On the way to the airport, he feel that he have to asked her about it. He have to get her right answer to erase his insecurity
"Sora-ya, why you have to chat happily and smile all the time to him during the break?" he asked her straight to the point
"With Choi Min Oppa?" Sora got confused
"You call him Oppa?Omo, are you guys that close?" Leeteuk jealousy exploded
"I have a romantic scene with him Oppa. It just an acting, indeed, not more. The crew keep asking me to have a good chemistry with him. Although we are a couple in the drama, but I am still lack of chemistry, that's why they asked me to build that." Sora tried to explained the situation to her virtual husband. How Leeteuk reaction really made her confused, is he just acting or real.
"Sora-ya.." Leeteuk hesitated when he wants to continue his word
"Yes Oppa? what's wrong?" she answered
"In location, I have talked to Choi Min, and he told me that you guys kissing. Is that true?" Leeteuk asked her in serious tone
"Ehm, that is part of the scenario Oppa. I just follow it. So, Choi Min Oppa said that he love me, and for the answer I give him a light kiss means oke." Once again Sora tried to explained the situation
"Araso. So next time, if I confess that I love you and I want to be with you, you will kiss me as an answer, right?"Leeteuk teased him,while Sora only can smile slyly
After Choi Min problem solved, in the rest of their way to the airport, they talked freely, chatting and smiling. The shooting goes smoothly, Leeteuk insisted to accompanied her until her plane take off . Their conversation goes flow, their shyness and their cuteness act made the the show more lively. To kill the time, when waiting for Sora's boarding time, they decided to drink a coffee.
"Don't ever spent your money for me. Although I don't have a lot of money, I don't want my wife spent her money for me. Oke?" he told her in serious tone
"Oke, let's pay it 50:50." Sora tried since she thought it was part of the show
"Don't, just don't take your money for me. I'll pay it all, since it is my duty." he still in his serious tone
"Araso." she finally giving up
When they take a break before Sora's departing time, he suddenly grab her hand
"I am sorry." he told her
"Sorry? What for?" Sora still didn't get it why he suddenly asking forgiveness
"For talking about the past. Looks like you don't like it." he can not stare her eyes when saying it
"Oppa, that's oke. It just a show though." she tried to comfort him
"Listen Sora-ya. Remember what I told you? Every words that came from my lips is real, not for a show. I am mean it Sora-ya. I am really want to fulfill my promise to you, that I will tell the truth and never lie to you. That's why I told you about the past." he told her, sincerely
"Thank you Oppa. Thank for your honesty. I am really appreciate." she smile and she can feel his honesty "I think we have to go Oppa. It is almost my boarding time." once again she smile
When Sora talked to her manager, Leeteuk held a small serious talked to PDnim and his manager. After hearing what he want to, they split, and he came back to Sora, to accompanied her to the boarding gate
"See you soon." he smiled and wave her.
Meanwhile after entering the boarding room, suddenly Sora feel empty. She feel like half of herself gone, after she left Leeteuk in the gate. She tried to recover her feeling by talking and chatting happily with her cordy and her assistant. But everything changed, when a voice suddenly pop up
"Can I sit there?" Leeteuk showed up with full of smile made Sora can not say a word at all
"Oppa?? Why?? Are you planning this?" Sora finally can speak after recovery from her shock
"I just feel wrong when seeing you before. Suddenly I just thinking that I have to do this." he smiled
"Oppa, thank you. Indeed, Thank you so much." she can not hide her happiness
"Do you like it? Did you surprised?" he asked her then smiled to her
"Yes. I am very surprised. I never think that you will fly with me. This is more surprised than your present at location this morning." she keeps smiling
"Btw, I have something for you." he gave her a small beautiful blue box to her
"Omo Oppa, this is very beautiful, so beautiful. Thank you so much.This is the first time I accepted something beautiful like this. Gumawo Oppa. Jinja gumawo." she like it so much. Leeteuk feel relieve that he can made her smile widely.
"You know Sora-ya, that bracelet resemble you. First time I saw that, I remember you. Beautiful, elegance and simple." he praised her
"Oppa. Thank you, thanks to give such a beautiful memory for me."
When they reach Busan, automatically, Leeteuk have encourage to protect her. A lot of fans gathering to see actress and actors who come to the festival. All of them were so surprised seeing a leader of Super Junior came with a rocky actress at the airport. Leeteuk held her hand and tried to protect her for fans whose trying to touch him and Sora. Just after they finally can release from the crowd, they have to separate again. Leeteuk can see sadness in her eyes and that made his heart fluttered
"Sora-ya listen, although there are a lot of actress and actors, lots of senior, best actress, please just stand up confidently. I know you can do it. Just show your charm to all of them. Please keep thinking that you are the best, and always remember that I always beside you, I always support you and I always believe in you, araso? Fighting." he tried to give her spirit then smile at her
"Oppa, please have a safe flight. Text me when you are already touch down Seoul oke. It will calm me and make me not worrying you. Promise." She smiled before going to her car.
"I promise. Just do your best. I will watch you from Seoul." He smile and wave her before he entered the departure gate
Two hours later
" How is my Baby Princess doing? I am on my way to fans signing at Ilsan now. Always remember what I tell you oke, be confident and you are the best. I always be with you. Btw, miss you already ;)"
In the other hand, someone smiled after reading a text in her phone
"I am doing my make up Oppa, almost finish and ready to go. I am glad that you have a good flight back to Seoul. Thanks for everything, I will keep it as one of the best memories in my life. Please do your fans signing well, they come just for looking at you and your member. And Oppa.. I miss you already too ^-^"
(***to be continued***)
I choose this old song by The Guys Next Door because I think it resemble Teuk's feeling toward Sora. He is definately the one who fall for her first. So, I think this song will fix enough to show his feeling.. enjoy it guys, hope you like it
"Hyung, are you gonna meet her here?" Donghae asked him right after they finished taping for preview episode
"Nope, I'll meet her at the theater." Leeteuk shortly answered it
"Are you that nervous Hyung? It is clearly showed in your face. You can't hide it Hyung." Sungmin told him after seeing how Leeteuk face looks like
"No..nothing.. I am going guys." Leeteuk smile while heading out to avoiding the stare from his members
"He is nervous. I know that he is nervous. It was clearly showing in his face." Sungmin told them
"Yes, he is completely nervous. I never see him like that. I know he like dating or meeting with a girl, but not like this, not this nervous. He usually can handle his shy before meeting with beautiful woman, but today is so different." Eunhyuk analize his leader behaviour
Suddenly one of crew came to them
"Guys, your manager told me that he already picked four of you, to be a guest in their first episode." a crew told them
"Eunhyuk-ah, Donghae, Sungmin and Kyuhyun, you guys come with me to Leeteuk location. Just make fun of them. You can see how nervous he is right?" Their manager told them
"Yup, your presence will make the show more lively and attractive. You can give a mission for both of them. I give it all to you guys, just create something that will release the awkward between them." the staff told them
"Wah, it will be fun. I never see how Tuekie Hyung dating..daebak." Kyuhyun can not hide his curious
"Let's go guys, let's make fun on our new couple." Eunhyuk told them when leaving the building
Meanwhile on his way to the theater Leeteuk called someone
"Halo." Someone answering the phone
"Hallo, Is everything set up? I really want everything goes smoothly and beautiful" He told that man
"No worries, everything set as you wish. Just enjoy the night though, I heard she will show you her different charm tonight." he told him
"Really? As long as I remember, she just like that, but will see." Leeteuk tried to denied
"Are you nervous? Tell me honestly, are you nervous?" he tried to teased him
"Don't know, just have a weird feeling I guess. Btw, I have to go. Thanks for helping me Hyung." Leeteuk end up the phone
"Good luck with date tonight. See you soon." that man also end up the conversation
(***Yeongdeungpo Cinema****)
He just wait and wait..He really nervous before meeting her. It's not like his habit. He always play around when go outside with girls. He always lead the process without feeling nervous at all. He feel strange today, don't know why. He tried to keep Sora's image from the last time he saw her at Strong Heart, but when he remember her image when accidentally meet hr at MBC lobby, he got nervous again.
Suddenly the theater light switch off, and Elvis Costello's song, "She" played, brought a different feeling in the theater. Then the spotlight goes to the stairs, and slowly, here she come.. Kang Sora, his wife..
"Omo..Is that really her?" he talked to himself when saw her standing in front of him
"Are you my wife?" that was the only word that he can say to her
"Yes, I am." she smile slyly
"Thank's God, it was you." he smiled
After several word, and Sora was sitting next to him, finally PD decided to take a break
"Oke, break for a while." PD shout to all crew
"Hi, sorry if I am acting awkward. You looks so different, since we met last time at Strong Heart." he tried to open a conversation with her
"Really? You don't change at all." Sora smiled
"Did some one told you that you are really beautiful tonight? I love to see your eyebrow, beautiful, very natural and beautiful." he didn't stop praising her
"Thank You. You look handsome too." Sora also praised him and that comment made him smile widely
"Ready to take the scene again everyone. You two, good job." PD told them and gave them his two thumbs up
Meanwhile backstage, Eunhyuk, Sungmin, Kyuhyun aand Donghae can not believe what they just saw
"Is that really her? She transformed a lot. More sexy and beautiful." Eunhyuk told them
"She is unbelievable. She knows how to present herself in the first meeting. Beautiful and those legs really a killer legs." Kyuhyun can not take his eyes from Sora
"Hi guys, don't do that. She is our Hyungsunim now. Can't you see how Teukie Hyung reaction when he saw her came? His eyes are sparkling. He smile widely, he like her. I know he like her, so let's support them." Sungmin tried to remind all of them
"I really want to asked Teukie Hyung, if he didn't like her, I will approach her. She is my type, big eyes, long hair, sexy and beautiful." Dong Hae told them
"I think Teukie Hyung saw her before, I mean not only in String Heart." Eunhyk said
"Really? Why you say that?" Kyu got curious
"Two days ago, when I came to his room, he was in front of his piano, tried to composed a song. I asked him what is his doing. He just smile, then he told me, he already know who his partner is. He looks so nervous that day. When he told me it will be Sora-ssi, then I told him that he don't have to feel nervous, since Sora is not his ideal type. But when I told him, I will approach Sora if he didn't like her, he get annoyed, then I realize that he met her somewhere and that made his feeling changed." Eunhyuk told them
"Ah I see, that's make sense, he looks nervous since two days ago." Sungmin told them.
"You guys can go now. It's time to surprised them." suddenly PD-nim came to them and asked them to come
(***back to the couple***)
"Sora-ya, ups sorry, can I call you just Sora-ya, since we met before and I think it will bring us closer." Leeteuk tried to approach Sora when the staff still preparing for Super Junior surprised action.
"That's oke Leeteuk-ssi, you are much older than me tho, so it's oke." Sora smile
"Sora-ya, can you drop the formal language between us, please just talk freely." Leeteuk asked her
"I am trying Leeteuk-ssi, but might be it will be hard in front of many people. Just take slowly, oke?" She smiled again and made Leeteuk heart pounding
"Just try, especially when just the two of us. If it is possible, please, call me Oppa. I will be glad if you do that." He persuade her, then smile
"Let see. Teuk Oppa" Sora smiled again before finally the staff gave them a sign that the shooting will start soon
Suddenly the four handsome men was standing in front of them and made a fun of them
"Hyung, you should give her a nick name. A nick name that she will remember and no one can use that nick name." Eunhyuk teased him
"Yup, a name to remember. Just give her a name based on your first impression." Kyuhyun joined to tease him
After thinking for a minutes, Leeteuk take a courage to tell them what he was thinking
"I'll call her Baby Princess." he told them and successfully gave them a shock surprised
"Baby Princess?? Seriously? Why Hyung?" Eunhyuk can not control his surprised while Sora was collapse when she heard what her partner just told
"She came here very beautiful and looks like a princess, but her face showed that she is still young. The baby fat in her cheek made her looks like Baby, so I think Baby Princess is a right name for Sora." Leeteuk smiled then look straight to her eyes. Right that time, he fell for her. Her eyes is sparkling, lovely and very shady made him wants to protect her.
"Ais you are too cheesy Hyung." Kyuhyun can not stand it
"You guys asked me to make a name based on my first impression, that was my impression to her." he tried to be honest
"Araso Hyung, now Sora-ssi, what is your nick name to Teukie Hyung?" Eunhyuk asked her
"Since he came with that beautiful and meaningful name, so I will call him My Prince. A lot of people around him, and for me, he is the one,who shining so bright, only for me." Sora tried to repay Leeteuk
"Oke cut..That was great. we take a break for a moment." PD yelled
"Sora-ssi, I don't know that you are very playful. You can balance Teuky Hyung cheesy side." Eunhyuk asked her during the break
"I am not being playful, I just repay what Leeteuk-ssi told me and I hope it good." Sora smile
After almost two hours shooting, Leeteuk asked her to go to their next date venue
"I prepared this since I know I am going to join WGM. I want to spend this special night in special place." Leteeuk told Sora when he opened a car door for her
"Thank you Leeteuk-ssi, I will remember this. This is nice." Sora smiled
"Sora-ya, you promised me that you will call me Oppa when it just the two of us. Why you changed it?" Leeteuk a little bit disappointed when he heard Sora called him Leetuk-ssi
"Don't you see there are cameras here?" Sora nervously answered him
"I can asked the PD-nim to erase it.The part that you call me Oppa, including this conversation." Leeteuk insisted
"Oppa, please. I'll try to call you Oppa, if it really just the two of us. I promise." She smiled
"So, it means that I can meet you and get to know you better outside shooting?" Leeteuk hope exploded
Sora smiled and slowly nodded. That was her answered
He took her to a lavish and beautiful restaurant around Namsan. It was great. He feed her, play a piano for her, even made a song for her. After the shooting, Leeteuk tried to get closer to her
"Do you like the song?" He asked her
"You are great. It was fun." She smiled
"I will make a song for you. I promise. That song will resemble my feeling for you. I will tell you when that song finish." He smiled
"You don't have to, Leeteuk-ssi" suddenly she got nervous
"Sora-ya, the cameras were off. You promise right? Or you already forget what you promise me?" he teased her
She shake her head, then smile "Honestly, I am not forget it, just fell nervous. Thank you for this wonderful and memorable dinner. I think I have to go first, I have a schedule early in the morning. Bye.. Teuk Oppa." she bowed then smile again. Right before she walk out, Leeteuk grab her hand.
"Sora-ya, can I take you home?" he really nervous
Sora take a minutes before she answered him "Maybe next time Oppa. Not now,but I promise there will be next time." she smiled again
"Araso. That's oke. Thank you, for a beautiful memory that you give me tonight and I am sure, I will ask for your promise someday, someday when you are ready. And before you go, I just want you to believe me. The person that you meet today, is not Leeteuk. That person is only ordinary man, named Park Jung Su. From now on, only for you, I present myself as Park Jung Su, so every word that come from my lips is not a joke, is real. I really hope, you will show me the real you, not an talented actress Kang Sora, but an ordinary beautiful woman, Kang Sora." He smiled
"I promised Oppa. Like what you just say, the woman who talked and meet you today, since two hours ago, is not an actress named Kang Sora, but a ordinary girl named Kang Sora. But Oppa, I think I really need to go. Thank you for tonight." She smiled, bowed and went with her manager and her assistant.
Suddenly his manager came to him
"So, how is it? Below your expectation, like your expectation or beyond your expectation?" His manager asked him
"Hyung, It is so beyond my expectation. I am glad that I met her. Thank you Hyung, to give this show to me." Leeteuk smiled and tap his manager shoulder
"Ya.. Park Jung Su, are you trying to tell me that you like her?" His manager got a surprissed
He didn't answered it, just go then saying goodbye "See you tomorrow Hyung and once again, thank you so much."
"Kang Sora, you made my world so colorful, that I never had it so good. Thank You." he smiled then run his car
(***to be continued***)
by Elvis Costello
She may be the face I can't forget The trace of pleasure or regret May be my treasure or the price I have to pay She may be the song the summer sings May be the chill the autumn brings May be a hundred different things Within the measure of a day
She may be the beauty or the beast May be the famine or the feast May turn each day into a heaven or a hell She may be the mirror of my dreams The smile reflected in a stream She may not be what she may seem inside her shell
She who always seems so happy in a crowd Whose eyes can be so private and so proud No one's allowed to see them when they cry She may be the love that cannot hope to last May come to me from shadows of the past But I'll remember till the day I die
She may be the reason I survive The why and wherefore I'm alive The one I'll care for through the rough in many years Me, I'll take her laughter and her tears And make them all my souvenirs For where she goes I've got to be The meaning of my life is she She She
It's like usual Monday, nothing special.. Sora was filming her drama series accompanied by her new manager and her stylish. When she was in the set and filming the drama, her stylish phone was ring.
"Yaboseo?" Lee Young, Sora's stylish answered the phone. The number in the phone is so unfamiliar
"Nunna, are you at the location with Sora?" Leeteuk asked Lee Young
"OMO, Leeteuk-ssi, are you changing your number? I didn't recognize it." Lee Young almost scream when found out whose calling
"Nunna please keep silent. I used my manager's number. I am at the cafe around the studio now, is Sora still filming?" Leeteuk asked her
"Yup, she is. Maybe she will be finish one or one and half hour from now. She is coming to the studio with me. She was driving by herself, I am with her, she pick me up and both of us came together." Lee Young still didn't get why he asked that
"Good. Can you come here and bring her car key?Btw, her car key with you, isn't it? " Leeteuk asked her again
"Yup, the car keys is in me. Why? Do you want to take it?" Lee Yeong started understand what he wants
"Yup. I want to surprised her. I still don't know whether I'll surprised her in her dressing room or 'll be waiting at the car and going back home together. But nunna, can you bring the key to me now? I am sorry to bothering you." Leeteuk told her in aegyo
"Oke-oke, just tell me where are you, and I will come, just wait there." Lee Young told him and secretly went out from the studio.
"I am only 2 buildings away from the studio nunna. The coffee shop around the corner." Leeteuk told her
"Araso, I am on my way now."
"Leeteuk-ssi, are you having your vacation? You just got your 4 days 3 night vacation, why are here right now?" Lee Yeong asked him as soon as she saw him at the cafe
"I have a schedule from my office with my commander nearby. I just finish my schedule and I am deadly miss her so much, that's why I asked permission to see her and will back to the army base tomorrow with my commander. He went to his family now, and we will back together tomorrow after lunch." He showed his killer smile
"Araso. You know, your appearence when you were at your last vacation grab a lot of attention from public, most of them wondering that you met Sora or not. Btw, she must be very happy to see you now, she is out of her mind lately. You know, she just change her agency, move to bigger agency. She was insisted to bring me on. Luckyly her new agency agreed. Omo, I talked to much right?" Lee Yeong explained Sora latest condition to her husband
"Nope nunna, no worries. She asked me first before she decided, for me, as long as for her future, it will be good. I support her. Btw, is she curious when you went out to meet me now?" Leeteuk a little bit afraid that Sora will found out and got suspicious.
"Nope, I told her I need a little fresh air. By the way, I think I have to go back soon, so she won't be suspecious. This is the key, come to studio 30 minutes after now. She might be finish or you can see how's the shooting process." Lee Yeoung told and gave the key to him, but suddenly her phone was rang
"Unnie, where are you?" Sora is on the phone..Realizing that his other half is on the phone, Leeteuk made a sign to Lee Yeong to keep her mouth shut up.
"Ehm, I am in the coffee shop, just around the corner. I think I need some energizer since I am very tired and sleepy." She tried to create an excuse
"Ah..cool. Can you bring me hot americanno? I am so sleepy Unnie. I have my break now, and will start to filming again might be in 30 minutes. Can you come when I am still on my break and bring my americano?" Sora asked her while Leeteuk come to the order table and ordered his lover's favorite coffee
"Oke, I'll be there in 5 minutes." Lee Yeong told her and take an americanno that Leeteuk gave her
"Thank you Leeteuk-ssi, just wait here, come to location 30 minutes from now. I am sure she will be very happy to see you there." Lee Yeong smiled to him
"Sure, thank you Nunna, I hope they will finish filming as soon as possible." Leeteuk smiled while Lee Yeong walked out to the cafe and back to the studio
"Unnie, where's my americano? I am deadly sleepy now. I have to wait until Seol Hyun finished her scene with Ju Hwan Oppa, then I will take my turn." Sora asked Lee Yeong as soon as her assistant came to her dressing room
"Here you go. How long will you take a break?" She asked Sora
"Don't know, just have to wait." although she already drank that americcano, but she can not help herself not to fall a sleep.
She don't know how long that she fell a sleep, but suddenly she heard some one trying to wake her up. She clearly knew who had that sweet voice, but she refused to believe it. She was afraid that is only dreaming
"Baby Princess wake up. I think it's now your time to take your scene. Lee Yeong nunna reminds me that you have to ready in 10 minutes." Leeteuk was whispering in her ears
"Tell me that I am not dreaming." Sora refused to opened her eyes, but actually she completely wake up
"You are not dreaming darling. I am here and I miss you badly. That's why I come. Now, show them your professional side, your make up artist is ready to make a little touch up in your beautiful face." Leeteuk still whispering in her ears
"Oppa.. is that really you??" Sora finally dared to open her eyes
"It's me Princess. Now, get ready, don't make any mistake, so we can go home as soon as possible, since I miss you so much." Leeteuk smiled then kiss her forehead
"OMG Oppa. You are here.." that was the only word that came from Sora. She really shocked and didn't expected he will appear in front of her
"What's wrong Princess? You are so pale like you just see a ghost." Leeteuk tried to tease his wife right after she wake up
"Oppa..How come?" Sora still can not believed what she just saw
"Why? You seems didn't happy to see me." Leeteuk pretended to show his disappointed face
"It's not like that Oppa. I am just too happy to see here. I miss you so much though." Sora shyly answered him and suddenly gave a light kiss in his cheek
"Only cheek?" Leeteuk teased her
"Aish Oppa, we are in my work place, so behave yourself." Sora face became red after hearing what her husband said
"Why, only two of us here, your make up artist still wait outside. Thay waited for my sign to come in." Leteuk teased her and made her red again
"Oppa, don't be naughty, just wait oke?" Sora tried to avoid his eyes and walked to the door to call Lee Yeong and her make up artist
Just before Sora finished her make up, the drama staff came to her and inform her that she have to ready soon.
"Oppa, I'm going first, just wait for me oke. It won't takes long. I will make it short and we can go home as soon as we finished it." Sora talked to her husband while clinging her arms on his neck
"What scene that you will take?" Leeteuk a little bit curious
"Just a light scene with Joon So family, so there will be Ju Hwan Oppa, Tae Joon, Kang Byul and Seol Hyun. So, I will come to their family house to have a dinner together with them. That's it. Wait for me oke." Sora smiled then kiss her husband lips lightly and went outside to the studio
Around 45 minutes later, finally he heard some persons come back to the dressing room, but she is not there, another casts were come since they put their belonging there
"OMO, Leeteuk sunbenim. Anyong Haseo." Seol Hyun greet him first since she met Leeteuk for several time in the music show
"Ah Seol Hyun-ah, Anyong haseo. Congratulation with your new album with AOA. You guys looks fantastic in the video." Leeteuk smiled at her
"Thank you sunbenim. OMO, it's surprised me a lot to see you here. You must be miss her so much." Seol Hyun tried to teased him
"Since I really have a short time today and I am deadly miss her, that's why I am coming." He smiled shyly
"Omo, Sora's army man is here. Nice to see you. Sora nunna told a lot about you, but I have to excused myself since I have to go now " Tae Joon was surprised to see Leeteuk in their dressing room when he got to the dressing room for a while before he went out
"Anyong haseo. It's really nice to have a chance to meet you all." Leeteuk told them then bowed
"It's oke Leeteuk-ssi. I know how it feel when we are in the army and we have a little free time." Ju Hwan smiled and shake his hand while Sora is outside talking with the director
"Anyong haseo Im Ju Hwan-ssi, finally I have a time to meet you in person.Thank you for taking care of my Sora" Leeteuk smiled
"It's nothing Leeteuk-ssi, it just an acting,don't take it personal. But I have to admit that Sora is like my own sister now. You don't get jealous right? Because of the intimate scene between me and your woman?" Ju Hwan tried to tease him
"No, I know my woman very well. It just a work tho, so she have to be professional." Leeteuk tried to hide his jealousy
"Hahahaha..I know..I know..Let me telling you something Leeteuk-ssi. Every time we are gonna have a skinship scene, Sora always wondering and talked to herself. She really afraid that you will get angry, since the script said that she have to kiss me. You know, your Sora is a very professional actress. When the camera on, she will be Do Hee, but when the director said cut, she turn on to be Sora again. She love you so much, trust me." Ju Hwan tried to convince him
"I know, she told me every time she gonna have a skinship scene with you." Leeteuk smiled at him
"You know what, I am very curious. Can I asked you this?" Ju Hwan showed his curious face "Did you guys already married or still in relationship, engage maybe?"
"Why you asked this kind of question?" Leeteuk can not hide his mischievous smile
"I know that you stay with her when you come back. She slipped out when she told me that you got your day off last August." Ju Hwan smiled
"Ah, we are married, officially, but we still keep it secretly since she have to build her carrier and I still have to maintain Super Junior. We are planning to tell public little by little. I think I am too honest to you Im Ju Hwan-ssi." Leeteuk told him
"I promised you.I'll keep my mouth close. Congratulation for both of you. Will Teuk junior or Sora junior coming soon?" Ju Hwan tried to teased him once again
"I hope, but not now, at least until I discharge." Leeteuk smiled when thinking about children. Dispite he knew that the chance to have his own child only 30 percent, but he always believe that they will have it, as soon as he discharge from army. Right after they finish talking, Sora was coming
"Omo, what are you guys talking about?" She is a little bit worried since Leeteuk always show his jealousy when they talked about her drama
"Nothing, we almost fighting. Right Leeteuk-ssi." Ju Hwan tried to teased Sora
"Aish, you guys. Oppa, let's go home. I am really sleepy now." Sora asked her husband while she took her bag
"Oke, are you finish packing?" Leeteuk asked her
"Yup, Lee Young nunna already packed everything, I just have to bring my bag. Btw, see you the day after tomorrow Ju Hwan Oppa." She smiled when talking with Im Ju Hwan
"See you Sora-ya, it's really nice talking to you Leeteuk-ssi." Ju Hwan told to this lovely couple
"It's nice talking to you too Im Ju Hwan-ssi. Good bye for now." Leeteuk shake his hand once again before they went out
"Oppa, are you drive? Let me drive if you feel tired." Sora asked her husband
"Nope, you need to get rest Babe, since I am going to make you busy all night long." He teased his wife
"Aish Oppa, you are pervert." She smile then kiss his cheek
"Only cheek?" Leeteuk teased him again
"Oppa, you have to drive home. Drive safely oke?" She told him then pretend to sleep
"You know that I can drive well while I kiss you right?" He laugh while look at her
"Araso, I know it well since you are very good in secret dating, so dating in the car must be one of your expertise." Sora can not hide her jealousy
"Omo, my Baby Princess is jealous. Oke-oke, end of discussion, now sleep. You have to rest. I wake you up when we are at home." He told her and kiss her palm to comfort her
(***Home Sweet Home***)
"Wake up Baby, we are home already." Leeteuk whispered in her ear when they were arrive at their apartment, but Sora seems falling deeply in her sleep
"OMO, are you really sleeping Babe?" Leeteuk still tried to wake her up, but she didn't wake at all "Oke, seems I have to bring you up." Leeteuk slowly lifted her up. Thanks God, the parking lot is near the door of their apartment
Slowly he put Sora at their bed, and changed her clothes with his loose grey shirt. He hold himself not to touch her when he changed her clothes. She seems so peaceful and innocent when sleeping, Leeteuk didn't bear to wake her up.
After changed her clothes, he decided to calm himself. He slowly took his shirt off and heading to bath room
"I think I need a cold water." he talked to himself while heading to bath room
Listening sound of water dropping, Sora slowly open her eyes and found out their bath room door was closed,but she knew whose in the shower. She finally wake up and realize that Leeteuk changed her clothes with the comfort clothes, suddenly something pop up in her mind.
She slowly take off her t-shirt and took a big towel . She open the bath room door slowly, fill up the bath up with hot water and aroma therapy bubble while her other half still didn't realize since he still enjoyed himself at shower. Sora open the shower curtain, turn off the shower and gave him a back hugging.
"Don't turn Oppa, I just want to pamper you." She was whispering in his ears.
Leeteuk got shock with his wife move. Sora slowly rubbed his back and started to kiss her back, starting from his neck.
"Sora-ya, please.. I know you are tired. I just kidding when I told you I am gonna make you busy all night long." Leeteuk tried so hard to control himself
"Aish, you talked too much Oppa. Like I said, I want to pamper you, so please, just for one time, follow me, oke?" once again Sora whispered in his ears and made him on.
She put a liquid soap in her hand, once again she started slowly rubbed his back until his legs. After took more liquid soap, she started to rubbed his neck, then slowly went down to his bare chest, playing around with his arms, then back again to his chest, then to his six pack abs. She deliberately skip his main part and goes to his leg then went up again to his thigh. She played a little bit in his abs and chest before taking a shampoo, then wash his hair
"Do you like it Oppa?" She teased him
"Sora-ya, Please, I can't stand it." he told her in a husky voice and tried to turn his body
"Just hold it Oppa, I still want to play around." once again she whispered in his ears, and prevent him to turn his body "Did you enjoy it Oppa? Because I am enjoying so much." she turn on the shower again. After washing him, she hold her other half's hand and took him to their big bath up which is already full with bubble. She took him in and slowly started to kiss him
"I miss you so much Oppa. I feel I am going to die when thinking about you." Sora told him then gave him a passionate kiss.
Leeteuk lost his control. His lips clasped around her, and get deeper in their kiss. She draped her arms around his neck and getting more closer. He rolled his tongue gently into her, while his hand cupped her breast and massage it. His hand played around with her body and tried to give her an extacy. He started to put his hand to her most important part and play there until she got her first climax.
"Did you enjoy it Sora-ya? Because I am enjoying so much." Leeteuk repeated her word.
Leeteuk then took her to shower again, wash both of their body, and took the big towel dry her out inch by inch before he dried himself.
He pulled her closer and started to kiss her again. He start to kiss her neck, then went down to her bare shoulder then to her breast. He was rounding with her breast, then licked her nipples. Sora can not hold her self not to moaned. He lifted her up and wrap her legs on his waist and bring her to bed.
He continued kissing fiercely, his hand was exploring Sora's body, play with it and enjoyed every inch of it. Once again his mouth started to explore her body again and gave her pleasure. He played with her breast and sucking her nipples. His lips move to explore Sora's belly and keep moving down, and put his mouth down in her center and played with it, until she got her second climax.
"Oppa Please." that was the only word that came from her sexy lips
He rolled on the top of her , resting his elbows. His long upper arms keeping the massive width of his chest well above her. He kiss her again then released her lips to move into position while watched her again as she received her pleasure that reflected in her eyes. He entered her slowly, and thrust deeper. Sora's scream in pleasure as Leeteuk lifted one of her legs on his shoulder and pushed him deeper and hitting to the right spot. He increased his speed as their bodies following the rhythm of their lovemaking and shacking the climax.
"I Love You Baby. I Love you so much." he whispered in her ears right after that
"I love you too." she answered him and kiss him lightly in his lips
He took her to get closer to him, he hugs her tightly and laid her had in his bare chest
"Oppa.." she asked him while laying on him after their passionate love making
"Yup, what's wrong?"
"What did you talked about, with Ju Hwan Oppa?" Sora is still curious since she saw they have a serious conversation at dressing room
"Nothing, I just said that he have to take care of you, since you are his girl friend in the drama." Leeteuk tried to have joke
"Aniya, you don't threaten him right?" Sora is still worried
"Off course I am." he was laughing when answered it
"Oppa, let me tell you a secret. Did you watch my drama?" Sora asked him
"Yup, although I don't want to, since I am afraid I am gonna exploded with jealousy, but I watch it, every day. All my friend are fans of you."
"So, you saw all the skinship things right?"
"Yup. I saw it. I saw how you kiss him, I saw how he proposed you, I saw everything Princess."
"Did you realize that most of the skinship scene are similar with our scene in WGM?" Sora asked him
"Really?" Leeteuk a little bit surprised after hearing what his wife said "That's why I feel so familiar every time I saw your skinship things."
"So, the director said, that I am too awkward when doing the skinship with Ju Hwan Oppa, that's why he asked the writer talking with me to get a chemistry. The writer asked me how she have to write the story, just to make me comfort and I can get the chemistry. You know Oppa, without realize, I told her our scene in WGM, then after I told her, she asked me, did we really a couple, since I remember everything." Sora tried to explain the situation and hope he will understand
"But you know, I still have an objection on your drama. I have to tell to the writer, it was too many skinship. I know and fully understand it was only for drama, but I don't like it." finally he can not hold his objection
"It for rating Oppa, just for rating. I promised I will selective when doing a drama or movie next time. I move to the new agency and let see, hopefully it will bring lot of luck to me." She smiled and without realize she was yawning
"I know you are tired Babe, now sleep.You need a rest." He told her and put her in his bare chest then kiss her forehead
Sora wake up after she fell sun shining into her eyes. She look at the white clock in side bar table
"Ah, still early." she talked to herself while her hand tried to find her phone in the drawer. Taking her phone, she dialed her manager's number
"Oppa, I don't have any schedule right?" she talked to her manager right after he answered the phone
"You got off from Ugly Alert schedule, but you have a photo shoot for Bang Bang in the afternoon." her manager told her
"Can we reschedule? I mean if it is possible, I want to stay home today." she tried to negotiate with his manager
"Let me see, your army man is in the house right? That's why you need an extra day off." her manager told her
"Ehm, yes, I need to be with him Oppa. You know what I mean right,since he have to go back today. I want to be with him until he go back to his base." Sora tried to persuade her manager
"Araso.. I know it, but I can't promise you Sora-ya. If Bang Bang said oke, we can reschedule tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow, you have to go for final filming with them." Sora's manager tried to remind her
"That's oke Oppa, as long as I can stay at home today. If I have to do a photo shoot and filming in the same day, it's oke, just arrange it." She told him
"Oke, let me arrange it and I will tell you or massage you later. Give me 30 minutes." her manager told her
"Thank You Oppa, You are the best..I owe you." Sora's sound so happy and end up the phone
"Why you say thank you and praised the man with saying You are the best?" suddenly Leeteuk told her in husky voice while took her closer to him
"Oppa, you are wake up. I think you still sleep after.."
"After our marathon love making? I can not sleep because your noisy voice early in the morning." Leeteuk pretending to cranky
"Oke, sorry. I just want to clear my schedule today, so I can be with you all day long." she smiled and get up from the bad
"Where do you think you'll going?" Leeteuk protested when he realized Sora got up from bed
"I am gonna make you a breakfast Oppa, you stay here oke, tried to sleep again, I will wake you up when the breakfast is ready." She smiled and give him a light kiss in his cheek
"Sora-ya, don't burn the house when you make a breakfast oke?" he teased her before she walked out the door
Right after she went out, his phone was ring, and he saw his commander number on it
"Hallo, good morning Sir." Leeteuk tried to greet his commander
"Jung Su-ah, wake up already. I just want to tell you something. Defense Ministry asked me to come, so I think we can not go back to the army base today. Since you don't have to come with me, I think you just enjoy your time at home, but I have to remind you, don't let anyone saw you today. Don't go anywhere, just stay home. We'll go back to the base tomorrow morning. Tell me your address and the driver will pick you up before he pick me up, then we straight go back to home base. Got it?" His commander told him clearly
"Oke Sir. I'll stay at home until someone pick me up tomorrow morning. Thank you so much Sir." He smiled after hearing his commander decision
"Oke, I'll hang up now, send my greeting to your beautiful wife, she got prettier now days, no wonder you are very busy to keep her." He heard his commander laughing while hang up the phone
Sora was just finish making a toast and starting to cut of the fruits when suddenly he felt her husband's hand in her waist, and started to kiss her neck.
"Oppa, I told you to stay until I wake you up when breakfast is ready." She tried to hold her husband. She lost her concentration after realizing her husband bare chest was stucking in her back
"As long as I know, my breakfast is ready." Leeteuk whispering in her ears and move his hand move inside to her tee, and start playing with her breast
"Oppa, let me finish first." she tried to concentrate cutting the fruits
"Just put off the knife darling." Once again he was whispering in her ears
"Oppa, we can end up by making love here, just stop." She tried to remind him
"I don't mind. I can make love with you every where I want." He teased his other half while his hand slowly pull off her tee.
He turn her body to face him, and kiss her passionately, while his hand continued to explore her body. He put her on the dining table, leaving her lips and starting to fell her inch by inch with his mouth. He played in her breast, then sucking her nipples and made her scream. His mouth continued to explore her body, and played a little down there, and gave his other half another pleasure. Slowly he slide inside her, seeing her expression, so open and wanting, She tightened around him, squeezing in a welcoming embrace. Leeteuk pulled back out and watched between their bodies as he slid in again. Little shudder gripped him, inside her, flowing out over her stomach and up. He pulled back, and shifted his hips, trying to figure out how not look at her and at the same time, how to make the entire act last forever. Sora seemed to have another plan, she suddenly push him and take him to the sofa at the living room. She push him and slowly sat over him. She slowly put him inside her. They fit together so perfectly, like her body was a hand tailored glove, just for his fingers, his palm. This is the love that they have. The love that reflected in their eyes, like a shining beacons in the storm. they move together, perfectly and got their climax together.
"Oppa, that was great." She smiled then kiss him again on his lips
" That were never enough with you Babe, never. And don't tried to do this with any other person. You are mine, only mine. I am sure I am gonna kill everyone if they dare to touch you like the way I touch you." Leeteuk showed his possesive
"Listen big boy. I am only yours, no one else. But Oppa, I think our breakfast became cold right now." She smiled then back to the kitchen where the breakfast placed.
Leeteuk hand played with his omellete, when his eyes was in his other half.
"Oppa, don't look at me like that, you make me shy you know." Sora face became red
"Why can't I saw my beautiful wife? You know what, everybody told me, that you are prettier now days. Every one who saw me, even my commander reminds me that you are really pretty now days, made me wanted always stay beside you." Leeteuk told her
"I become pretty just for you, only for you, no one else. Listen Oppa, you are my everything, you are here even in the worst condition, I can't asked you more. " She smiled then taking his hand and grab it
Suddenly her phone was ring and it was her manager who told her that she can get her one day off, since her client agreed to reschedule the photo shoot. When she came back to the dining room, Leeteuk wasn't there. Finally she found him at the balcony of their apartment, looking at the view of Han river. She gave him a back hugging. He grab her hand and kiss her hand
"Oppa, what time did you have to go? I just got a news from my manager that I got a day off today, so I can be with you until you back to your base." She didn't realize that she was crying, she still didn't want to let her husband go
"Are you crying darling?" he can feel his shirt a little bit wet. He turn on his body and face her then he saw that she was crying
"Don't cry darling, please don't cry. I am not going today. I am going tomorrow. I am also so glad to found out that you have a day off today. But we can't go anywhere, since my commander said that I have to stay so no one can recognize me that I got an extra day off." he tried to comfort her
"Really? You are not going today?" She smiled but she still can not stop her tears
"Aigo, my Princess, please stop crying. Now, tell me do you have a plan for today?" he asked him
After thinking around 2 minutes, finally she gave him an idea
"Maybe we can invite our parents to come here and have a lunch or dinner today Oppa. In one interview I read that your Mom really miss you and worried about you. She also saying that she always waiting for your call. She will be very happy if we invite her I think. And if you are oke, I will invite my parents also, so we can eat together. What do you think?" She asked him
"It will be great, but means, are you gonna cooking by yourself?"
"Nope, I can order a delicious food, you know that I can not cook properly. I will order it now, so lunch or dinner Oppa?" She asked him and tried to walk inside when suddenly Leeteuk pulled her into his arm again
"Lunch will be great. I miss them also. Thank you Sora-ya." He smiled and he kiss her forehead
"Thanks? For what Oppa?"
"Thank you for loving me, and thank you for being you. You know what Sora-ya, you are my strength when I was weak, You are my voice when I couldn't speak, You are my eyes when I couldn't see, you saw the best there was in me." He cupped her face and started to kiss her.
"That because you love me Oppa." She smiled after their longing kiss
(***to be continued***)
I always love this song, really romantic and meaningful, I can feel their love, like in this song. This song really showed the love between the two of them..
Hope you guys like it
Because You Loved Me by Celine Dion
For all those times you stood by me
For all the truth that you made me see
For all the joy you brought to my life
For all the wrong that you made right
For every dream you made come true
For all the love I found in you
I'll be forever thankful baby
You're the one who held me up
Never let me fall
You're the one who saw me through through it all
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You gave me wings and made me fly
You touched my hand I could touch the sky
I lost my faith, you gave it back to me
You said no star was out of reach
You stood by me and I stood tall
I had your love I had it all
I'm grateful for each day you gave me
Maybe I don't know that much
But I know this much is true
I was blessed because I was loved by you
You were my strength when I was weak
You were my voice when I couldn't speak
You were my eyes when I couldn't see
You saw the best there was in me
Lifted me up when I couldn't reach
You gave me faith 'coz you believed
I'm everything I am
Because you loved me
You were always there for me
The tender wind that carried me
A light in the dark shining your love into my life