"Sora-ya your phone was ringing all the time when you tried and picking up your dress." her manager told her. Already 8:30 pm, and she just finished fitting her dress for an award invitation which is will be hold next week
"Who is it Oppa?" she came to her manager while taking her phone "Ah, Teuk Oppa? What's wrong? It's been 11 missed call." she is wondering
"Hallo, Oppa?" she called her other half right after he answered his phone
"Sora-ya, where are you?" from her other half voice, she knew that must be something wrong happen
"I am just finish fitting some dress for an award Oppa. what's wrong?" she start worried
"Listen Sora, My father just passed away. Right now my company tried to take care everything. I am on my way form the camp to the funeral house. Please come, I need you." he begged her
"Off course I'll come. Just tell me where I should go.I'll be there soon Oppa." she tried to comfort her boy friend
"They took their bodies to Korea University Guro Hospital. Just come there. I'll call you again when I am arrive. Ehm, Sora-ya, just come when I already there. Now, just go home, take a rest for a moment. Araso?" he asked her
"Their bodies? What does it means Oppa? Is it not only Aboji?" suddenly Sora feel strange, weird and afraid in the same time
"No Sora, all of them, three of them, father, my grand father and my grand mother. I still don't know what exactly happen, but all of them are gone. I don't know how to say." she heard her boy friend voice trembling
"Oppa, please be strong. I'll be next to to you soon. Promise." she told him without she realize that her eyes was teary
"Please come Sora-ya, I need you. Just come. I am still on my way, come when I already there. I'll be wait for you. I love you." he finish his conversation with her.
"Sora-ya, is this true?" her manager come and gave her a tablet showed a news about the tragedy
"Yes Oppa, that's true. Teuk Oppa just asked me to come. I have to be there Oppa. I can not hide, he needs me." Sora told her manager when more tears came from her eyes
"But Sora, there will be a lot media. Can you handle it? I mean your appearance will make a lot of speculation on your relationship." her manager tried to tell her carefully
"Honestly Oppa, I don't care. I don't care what people gonna say, what I know, my other half need me now. You must hear how his voice was trembling. I have to be there soon. He asked me to come as soon as he arrive at the funeral house. He is still on his way now." Sora insisted
"Oke, let's go home now, you changed your clothes with Lee Yeoung, I will be wait at the car." her manager finally give up
When Sora just prepare herself at her apartment, around 10:30 pm, her phone rang again and she saw her other half number on the phone
"Sora-ya, where are you?" Leeteuk straight asking her without saying hello anymore
"I am still at home Oppa, why? I am waiting for your phone actually." Sora very worried with Teuk condition
"Sora-ya.." there is a pause moment for a while, then "They are gone Sora-ya, I can't believe it that three of them are gone." Leeteuk voice trembling and she knew that he was crying
"Please come as soon as possible, I need you beside me. I have to be strong in front all these peoples, especially in front of my nunna. She still shocked right now, she is crying all the time. If I was weak in front of her, who will be her supporter, since we, I mean just the two of us." Leeteuk poured his feeling
"Oppa, wait for me, I'll be there soon." when Sora answered her, she heard someone talked to Leeteuk. After waiting around one minutes, finally he's back
"Sora-ya, just come here at midnight. I have to take care something first. I want when you are here, I already take care all of these things, so I can be with you all the time. I just arrive 5 minutes ago. I think I have to go now. I'll call you as soon as I finish with this. I love you, please come." he told her
"Araso Oppa, I'll be waiting. Just call me and Oppa, please be strong. I love you too." Sora told him when she is still crying
"I am.. I'll be strong,I will try to be strong, come here around midnight oke. Bye for now, see you soon. Love you." Leeteuk end up the phone
Sora came to the funeral house around midnight. She came after Sungmin called him because Leeteuk was very busy manage everything. She came with her manager and straight went to the second floor where Leeteuk father and his grand parents laid on.
As soon as she came, Eunhyuk greet her with his sad face
"Hyungsunim, you came. He was busy to set everything. He still inside talking to the funeral manager and his family. He needs you a lot." Eunhyuk seems so relieve after seeing Sora come
"He called me to come, but he said better if I come after midnight since he have to take care everything. How is it Eunhyuk-ssi? I am very worried about him. He was crying when calling me, but seems he tried so hard to be strong." Sora told him her worried
"Hyung never cry in front of us Hyungsunim." suddenly Donghae appeared
"Really? He must be hold his tears and force for being strong right now." Sora got more worried
"He take a role of a very good son now. He take care everything, he calmed his sister and never cried. Actually I am worried seeing him like that." Donghae told her
"I hope he will be fine." right after Sora answered Donghae, she heard her other half voice
"Sora-ya, you are here." his sounds showed his relieve
"Oppa." she smiled when seeing he came to her
"Thank you." Leeteuk hold her tight while whispering in her ears "Thank you for being here. I need you. Please be my power this time. I really need you to get stronger now." he still whispering.
"Let's meet In Young nunna and my mother. They are inside. And you guys still here right?" Leeteuk told his member
"Yes Hyung, we are here, stand next to you." Kangin tried to comfort him "Now, take hyungsunim to meet your family and In Young nunna first. They have to know that hyungsunim was here." Kangin told him
Sora went inside to give her last tribute to the corpse, then went to meet In Young and Leeteuk's mom. As soon as she saw Sora, she went and hugs her tight asking for strenght. She was there talked with his father's big family when Leeteuk goes outside, for taking care of something, until Leeteuk's mom asked her to talk in private.
"Sora-ya." Leeteuk's mom told her
"Yes Omoni." Sora answered her while lower her face
"Thank you for being here. Thank you for coming and stand beside my Jung Su. You mean a lot for him. You know, something made me worried. He didn't cry at all since he came. He take care everything and tried to calm his sister. This is not his habit. He tried so hard for looking very strong, but I know my son, inside his heart, he must be very broken. What happen today, really made a lot of peoples shocked. You are the only person who can support him now Sora-ya. Please stay. Called me selfish, but please, stay beside him during this hard time. You are the only person that he need, not me. So, I beg you, please stay beside him." Leteuk's mom crying when talked to Sora
"I'll be here Omoni, no worries. I'll be beside him and didn't leave him. Now, it almost 2 am, I think you have take a rest first Omoni, don't be too tired." Sora smile
"Yah, I will take care of In Young first. She got more shocked then Jung Su. You know, Jung Su relationship with his father was not too good, but In Young, she really close to him. But since you came to Jung Su's life, their relationship getting better. Once again thank you Sora-ya." She smiled then hugs Sora tight.
Sora back inside after talking to his mother. She saw him talked seriously with one of his uncle, and she decided not to interfere him. She choose to have a talk with Super Junior members whose still there to support their leader. Ten minutes later, when she still talking with them, suddenly she feel someone hands in her waist, then the other hand took her hand.
"Oppa, a lot of peoples here." Sora tried to remain him
"That's oke, all of them here are my closest family so I don't care." he whispered in her ears, then slowly release his hugs then holding her hand tight
"Hyung, everything settle?" Sungmin asked him
"Yup, everything settle. The news are coming, but I don't care anymore. As a child I just want to do the best for him, for the last time." Leeteuk seems so tired
"Oppa, are you oke? You can cry if you want to cry" Sora seems so worried
"I am fine Sora-ya, as long as you are beside me, I am fine." he smiled
"Just tried to take a rest Oppa. You just came from the camp, and you need rest, Please, don't get sick." Sora really worried with her boy friend condition
"I am fine and I am not sleepy darling." He insisted not to sleep
"Hyungsunim is right Hyung, take a rest for a moment. You've done a lot. I saw In Young nunna take a rest now, so do you. You need to be healthy Hyung." Shindong tried to remind him
"We are here Hyung, no worries. Hyungsunim is here too. Both of you should take a rest, don't think about anything, we will take care everything when you take a rest." Kangin convince him
"Araso. I'll sleep here. Just wake me up if something important happen, oke?" suddenly he feel so tired. He place his head at Sora's shoulder and tried to sleep. Maybe because he was very tired, 5 minutes later he fell a sleep, while his hand keep holding Sora's hand so tightly
"Sleep well Oppa. I love you." she was whispering at Leeteuk ears before she close her eyes to take a rest for a moment
(10 January 2014)
It's been two days after the funeral process ended. Sora stayed at the funeral house until the next day. She went out because she have to avoid people's attention. She went from a back door and back to her apartment. The next day, a funeral day, she with both of her parents wait them at the cemetery. Finally she saw his tears. According to his member finally he was crying, after seeing how his sister cried a lot before they took their bodies to the cemetery.
After the funeral, Leeteuk decided to come back to his mother house, to comfort his sister. Sora also went there last night, but she went home around midnight. Today, she already asked her manager to clear up her schedule, at least until Leeteuk back to the army tomorrow. She planned to come to Leeteuk house again tonight, just to comfort him and his sister. When she read the novel that she just bought, suddenly she heard someone open up her apartment door.
"Oppa?" she was so surprised to see him
"Hi, I miss you a lot so I decided to come." he looks so tired and she can see clearly his swallow eyes
"Sit here Oppa, are you eat already or do you want something to drink." she asked him to sit in her living room, She was so sad seeing how bad is her other half condition right now
"Hot chocolate is fine. I need something sweet to regain my energy back." he tried to smile
"Here it is Oppa." She gave him a drink then hold his hand
"Sora-ya, what do you think about me? Did you think I am good? I think I am not." she saw his eyes started teary
"Oppa, you are good, a very good person. I adore you so much." She comforted him
"I am not, I think I am not a good person. If I am a good person, I have to take care my father very well, I supposed to know how is his condition." Leeteuk start crying. He really need a person to share his sad. He can not do this in front of his mother, his sister, even his members. The only person who can understand him is only her.
"Oppa, don't say like that. Listen to me, you are a good person, a good son. I still remember when you asked me to come to see your father. You throw away all your anger, your vengeance and come to him as a good son. You forgive him for what already happen in the past. That was a prove that you are a good man. What happen to him is not your fault. He love you so much Oppa, trust me. So stop talking that you are not a good man nor a good son. You are the best, that's why I fell for you." She smiled then kiss his tears
"Really? Thank you for support me, thank you for always saying that I am a good man." he started to cry again
"Listen big boy. Don't ever think what other people talked about you. They don't know you and they didn't know what really happen in your life. They just saw you as Leeteuk, the famous Leeteuk, a leader of Super Junior, but they never saw you as a human, as man, as Park Jung Su. So please, forget what they talked and think about you. The most important things right now, how you run your life well, how you take care of your mom and your sister. That's the most important things. Now cheer up please." Sora tries so hard to comfort and bring his spirit back.
She smiled at him, then erased his tears and his cheek. Suddenly Leeteuk took her hand, hold her face, then bring it closer to him. Slowly he kissed her lips, first so gentle, then it became passionate like there was no tomorrow. He arose from his sit, then kiss her again while lift Sora from the coach and bring her to her room
"I need you Sora-ya, I really need you now." then he closed her bedroom door
(11 January 2014)
Every time he spent the night at Sora's apartment, he always amaze looking at her, once he opened his eyes. She really looks like an angel, make his heart peaceful
"Thank you Sora, thank for everything that you've done for me. I love you." he whispering then kiss her cheek gently. Sora's opened her eyes after she felt some one kiss her
"Good Morning Oppa." she smiled
"Morning my Sora." she hold her hand tightly
"What time is it? What do you want for breakfast?" Sora suddenly woke up and tried to get up from bed, when suddenly Leeteuk pulled her back
"Let me hold you first. This is still early, 8 o clock in the morning. I still want to feel you beside me." he kiss her temple
"Oppa, what are you planning today? What time did you have to come back to camp?"suddenly Sora feel sad after she realize that he will back to his camp today
"I will go to the cemetery first, after that I will back to the camp. Members said that he will accompany me back to the camp. So what are you planning today?" he asked her
"Can I go with you? I really want to be with you until you entered your camp door." She didn't realize that she was crying
"Omo, Sora-ya, please, please don't cry. It will make me cry again if I saw you cry." he tried to comfort her. Slowly he kiss her in her lips and it end up with their sweet and gentle love making.
"Sora-ya, I don't know what I have to do if I don't have you. I am sorry that you have to see my bad side, my weak side. Even a lot of people might be hate me, you still stand beside me. Thank you, please promise me that you will never leave me" He told her while hugs her tight in his chest
"Listen Oppa. I love you, indeed. I am really thankful that you let me see all of your side. Thank you for showing me your insecurities, your dirty laundry. You are worthy. I'll take your bad days with your good. I will walk through the storm with you, cause I will love you unconditionally." she smiled then kiss his lips again
"Thank you Sora-ya, thank you for being you, being my strength. I love you."
"I love you too Oppa, unconditionally."
I made this story not because I wants to blow up what happen to our loving PJS. I made it just because I believe that his Baby Princess is always right beside him during his hard time. With Sora's appearance, for me it was a prove that she always there for him, to take care of him and comfort him. I choose Katy Perry's songs for this story since I believe that Sora love PJS Unconditionally, so does PJS to her.. I really hope you guys enjoy the story. Once again, I made the story because I love them so much..
by Katy Perry
Oh no, did I get too close?
Oh, did I almost see what's really on the inside?
All your insecurities
All the dirty laundry
Never made me blink one time
Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally
Come just as you are to me
Don't need apologies
Know that you are worthy
I'll take your bad days with your good
Walk through the storm I would
I do it all because I love you, I love you
Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally
So open up your heart and just let it begin
Open up your heart and just let it begin
Open up your heart and just let it begin
Open up your heart
Acceptance is the key to be
To be truly free
Will you do the same for me?
Unconditional, unconditionally
I will love you unconditionally
And there is no fear now
Let go and just be free
'Cause I will love you unconditionally (oh yeah)
I will love you (unconditionally)
I will love you
I will love you unconditionally
its perfect story unnie, and I hope this is really happen. Kang Sora always beside him.... Kang Sora is the only one for uri oppa, Park Jung Su....
ReplyDeletethanks for this sweet and touch story ^_^ v
A sweet yet bitter chapter..
ReplyDeleteThank u author..