Cr: my best friend @ jerqu
KS was late for the dinner party at Lee Jin’s home. This was one of those days that the twins decided their mommy should stay home with them. It must have been the new environment and the fact that they're still adjusting to their surroundings that made both twins moody so that he did not want their mother to leave. Lee Jin met her at the doorway looking lovely in a shimmery cocktail dress. Her hair was tied back in a knot thus, showing off her bare shoulder and back. A huge diamond ring paired with diamond earrings completed the picture.
Lee Jin: "yaahh Soraya, you look absolutely a goddess."
Sora: Sorry I’m late, its just that the twins were not cooperating. Thank God, appa and omma came and decided to bring them to Friday's for burgers.
Lee Jin: "Don’t worry about it. We’re having cocktail drinks at the terrace before dinner." She put her arm around Sora's waist and led her towards the terrace illuminated by a Christmas three lights shaped into different sized globes and hanging from the trees.
"Hear.hear everybody, Sora’s here."
Everyone turned to her direction and Sora, smiling acknowledged the collective Hi’s when she caught sight of Leeteuk.( I can't escape, he's everywhere she thought.) He was standing between Sungmin,Donghae and Jisu. She could not read his expression because of the dim lights but she could feel his piercing eyes on her. She was so nervous she thought her knees would buckle under her. Sora tried herself to regain her composure and smiling brightly, she approached the group.
Jisu, looking elegant in a powder red dress was the first to approach her, giving her a hug, "Sorasshi, I almost did not recognized you. You are just drop dead gorgeous." Jisu dragged Sora to where the group were standing. Sora look at her blankly and thought..."What a double face bitch." Sora greeted Sungmin and Donghae with a hug, apologizing for being late.
Sungmin: "That’s fine we’re just starting anyway."
Sora turning to Leeteuk greeted him with a hesitant "Anneonghasseyo."
Leeteuk, his voice dripping with sarcasm and jealousy replied: "Don’t I get a hug too." He suddenly pulled her towards him and kissed her on the lips. Just as abruptly as he pulled her for the kiss, he also abruptly let go of her that she almost lost her balance. There was no tenderness to the kiss; it was meant to insult. Sora knew that Leeteuk was trying to humiliate her. She thought to herself "You’re barking at the wrong person jerk if you think I’ll wilt and cry."
Smiling Sora said, "Oh wow Leeteuksshi, you are really living up to your reputation as a player."
Leeteuk: "How can I resist a "hot babe" like you. I mean look at you, you’re advertising yourself with that dress"
Sungmin: "Stop it Hyung. You’re acting like a kid. Let’s be civilized here. This is Sora's welcome party and I want everyone to have a good time."
Donghae: "Agree."
Nodding at Sungmin and Jisu excused herself. Sora turned her back and walked towards Lee Jin who was holding a glass of white wine for her.
Taking the glass from Lee jin, Sora whispered, "Thanks. I don’t think telling Leeteuk about the twin's is going to be easy."
Lee Jin: "It’s going to be fine, you’ll see."
Min Ah(close friend of Sora and Lee Jin) approached them while signalling Sungmin to come over.
As soon as Sungmin was by her side Min Ah said, " We’re now ready for dinner."
Sungmin, put his arm around Lee Jin's shoulder announced that dinner was ready. Everyone moved to the dining room. The table setting came straight out of a Greek magazine. Sitting on mirrored trays, fine and elegant china vases filled with different shades of hydrangea dotted the table. In between, carved ice buckets that have been sprinkled with various hues of flower petals before it was frozen held jars & bottles of Crystal. Attentive servers were on hand to serve each course. From his seat at the head table, Leeteuk had a good view of Sora who was sitting between Sungmin and Donghae. The moment he saw her earlier in the evening, he was stunned by her appearance. She was wearing a simple champagne dress of a silky material that hugged her perfect figure. It was a simple sleeveless low cut dress with a V neckline but the bare back that exposed her skin down to the waistline gave it a very seductress appeal. There was also an air of self-confidence about her.. When he kissed her, all the feelings that he had suppressed again came back . It took all his self-control to let go of her. He had dated with many women but no one can make him go crazy like Sora. The mocking smirk she gave him after the kiss was a mixture of a challenge and a promise.
Sora was toying with her food and not eating. She stole a side glance at Leeteuk. The sight of him made her heart race. He’s so handsome in his black amerikana made suit. No wonder women fall for him.
Sungmin interrupted her thoughts with, "anything wrong? You’re so quiet."
Sora: "I’m fine. I am just trying to think of a way to talk to Leeteuk tonight. He looked so pissed at me.I have no choice but to tell him right Sungmin? I have no option."
Sungmin: "After dinner I’ll start a conversation with hyung and that’s when you come over and I’d politely take my leave."
Sora: "Ok. Wish me luck then."
During dessert, Lee Jin and Min Ah stood up to thank everyone for coming and expressed their delights to all who attended and for coming Sora's welcome party. Sora thank her friends and thank all the guests as well.....
After dinner Sungmin approached Leeteuk and signaled Sora to join them....
Sungmin: "Hyung, do you know that this lady is now the best sought super woman in Korea. Before Leeteuk could reply, Sungmin excused himself with, " amuse yourselves for awhile I'll try to find out why Donghae is calling me."
Sora: "Leeteuk, can I have a word with you."
LT: "If it is to dig up our past again and fight, save it because I'm tired already."
Sora: "In a way, it has something to do with our past."
LT: "Sora. You have some nerve walking up to me acting like everything is normal between us. Do you have any idea what I went through after I've learned about the twins? Don't talk to me until I get the proof that I am the father of the twins." leeteuk left her without a glance.
Sora didn't say a word she just look at LT's back....
The three women, Jisu, Sora and Min Ah left earlier than the boys who stayed behind for some male bonding. Sungmin called his manager who brought Sora and Min Ah home while Jisu was picked up by her agency driver.
When Leeteuk sauntered inside his home it was already past midnight. He saw one small box in his gate."What the hell is this, who brought this?"he thought.

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